Wednesday, June 29, 2016

A brief history-case in Era of Ultra-Feminism

John has a girlfriend named Karol. Better be said that Karol had this boyfriend called John. Karol was an activist of the movement called Ultra-Feminism, which basically promoted women superiority throughout men exploitation, superior women rights, and physical surpass compared to men.

Body building along with martial arts were the favourite sports among the women activists, there were also few men activists who basically helped and worshipped women while they were empowering themselves. John was one of them, he was loving so much the woman he belonged to that he was wherever she asked him to stay, did whatever she asked him to do. Even though he was constantly humiliated by her, this only make his love grow and grow.

It was 2090, and all the places of power were occupied by women. How did it happen? Due to excessive tolerance, women slowly fought for more and more rights. They constantly said they were discriminated in some way, and constantly complaining made the governments of all the world promulgate laws that ultimately favoured women towards men. At very last, the pink quotas as they called in Europe were such that institutions like universities and parliaments had to have at very least 90% of women.
This obviously meant that in a bit there weren't political parties anymore but just women that created laws for women. Soon many things were forbidden for men: approaching girls was forbidden, compliment a girl was forbidden, whistling a girl was forbidden, disobey to your wife was forbidden, offend a girl was forbidden even if a boy was offended first.
All of this happened slowly of course, but there was a trigger event which dramatically sped up the emasculation of boys: the so-called genetic adjustment.

The genetic adjustment was nothing else than a rather quick surgery which altered women genes to let them grow muscles easier than men while increasing their femininity and hormones secretion.
This begun in 2025, because society became so alienated that guys were immensely frustrated about not having enough sex. The result of this was a dramatic increase of rape cases.

In the meantime science discovered how to solve most of diseases and genetic editing went on, to the point that the drastic measure some governments adopted was to force women to be adjusted .
In few months, an escalation of violence spread out, but not for the reason you imagine.
Since the women were secreting more hormones and in the meantime their growing muscles made them sexier than ever, and totally irresistible for men, which, on the contrary, saw their right to exercise to be denied.
In few months, the enhanced women genes made them stronger in average than many men without doing sports, while the women who practices aerobic sports like dancing and so on, became like the biggest males body-builder, and consequently the women who practiced body-building became an ungodly mountain of bulging muscles.
That was actually the new trend. The new-acquired power for females were so welcomed that 90% of women followed the wake and started weight-lifting, outmuscling all the males.
After 5 years, all the males were largely outmuscled and did not have any chance to win against the weaker woman.
The violence escalation: basically men were irresistibly attracted to women, to the point that they threw themselves toward the women who reacted physically and had the law by their side. A man could easily have been accused of being beaten by a woman.
Shortly it was common that women beaten men first just for fun and sue them right after, with 99% of possibility to win the cause, just because of a whim.
Men were totally emasculated, but the worst thing came in the later generations, where the adjustment were done directly to the girls while they were in-utero.
This meant that girls grew intrinsically stronger than guys, they had a luminous life in front of them, and it was absolutely normal that guys were prepared since children to serve girls, while girls were educated to exploit guys to do literally whatever they wanted to. Their enhanced genes gave them the safety to choose all the guys without feeling guilty of being cheater.
It was assumed that a guys might have cheated, a girl was just having some extra-fun, with full right.
It was assumed in fact that a guy owned by a girl already have a goddess to serve, and shouldn't had no other goddess than the one he was already serving.

(to be continued...)

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Ultra-Feminism


The next era of feminism will be characterized by physical development.

Many men are today bewildered by the new roles women are conquering. They're indeed already privileged in many fields, but to achieve more and more power the new feminists will have to develop physical prowess to be if not stronger than any man, at least stronger than most men.

It is obvious that by innate built, women will never be stronger in average than men, but if feminists want to go beyond, to further obtain power and control, the sole path is physical development, with chemical addiction if necessary.

Today already we see more and more men who are shaving themselves like women did 20 years ago, and we see more and more women talking about muscle development like men did 20 years ago. The process of entitle women of absolute power might be accelerated if the society will let women be more muscular than men.

Men are generally less manipulative and kinder than most women. This means that they're easily manipulated by the greater and exploitative intelligence of women. I would be realised if the task of my life would be to serve a goddess more intelligent and stronger, and more muscular than me. My task would be to bring money home to maintain her and let her to take care of herself in terms of muscle building, beauty caring.

That would be right to me: women have an locked power that might be unleashed by making them more muscular than men. Then the feminism will get to its apex, and men will hardly ever will be able to recover. I dreamt of physical exercise forbidden for men, because women are the only entitled to practice strengthening disciplines. Empower themselves will be their only task, while the men will work hardly to keep their wifes' lifestyle.

I foresee major -and increasing- privileges for women, due to their superior intellect and superior body, and a life of servitude for men.

After a couple of generations, it will be perfectly normal for everyone that women are superior and privileged and men are conceived just to serve women's development.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The World I would like

The world I would like is populated with strong, muscular, beautiful girl who tries to build muscles.
I would love to work just to earn money to let my girlfriend hit the gym all the day, all the days, to become more and more muscular.
I would pay the bills, take care of the children, buy all the necessary for me and her, and work the necessary just to let her do whatever she wants with my money but most of all spend hours and hours in the gym to become a sponsored female bodybuilder.
I would love that she slowly becomes famous, and begins to earn serious money. I would love to be her manager and to find all the best contracts with convenient terms, to study which solution is the best for her career. My career will be to help her career.
I would love to see her surging in terms of power and charisma, to become physically perfect, to become dominating even toward me, and I would love to help her in this overwhelming process. I would address her like I would address to a queen, and my love will be enriched with a worship only the goddesses deserve.
She will love me for all this commitment I put on her through my hard work. Her only worry will be to lift weights, to become physically and mentally dominant and to enjoy all the money we're making together.
I would let her spend the +95% of the money we earn, because what I want to be is her boyfriend and servant, her partner and her slave.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The women of the farthest future

In the far future, I foresee major changes in both men and women's body.

Technology will be so invasive that will permit to custom every single aspect of the body and, in a less fashion, the mind.

Women will be already dominant, will be in charge for every crucial role in the world. Males will be used only just as the necessary semen exchange during the generations.

Women will be muscular and with big breasts without the need to go to the gym, men will likely be weaker, due to heavy bioengineering.

The women will likely be less, because to ensure outraging standards of living, the manpower will have to be multiplied. Due to objective limits of the planet, if the population will count 7 billions people, women will likely be 1 million. Yet, all the media's attention will be focused on them.

Every AD will be an hymn to women's superiority.

Women will own everything, men included. Technology will easily allow women to switch sex by a simply hour-hospital. The penis they'll dispose will be much larger, longer and bigger than any other man's penis in the history. They'll be stinkingly rich.

Men on the other hand will be totally useless, used only to grant shamefully high living standards to the women, while the 99.99% of the population will struggle.

Yet, men will worship anyway women even though women will perpetrate injustices, sodomy, killings, slavery, overexploiting, crushing, stomping, submission. This will happen because the enhanced women will secrete so many hormones that will make men ejaculate with their sole presence. The sight of a woman will seldom cause hearth-attacks to men, in most cases will make they come and faint, and in all cases to knee before her.

The women will be considered goddesses, there will be no riots nor revolts against them. Their oppression shall be definitive, total and ultimately loved by men.
An example of willingly dominated man.

The woman of the further future

The woman in 50+ years will entirely dominate.

Exercise domination will surely be the main activity. The physical superiority will be probably obtained genetically. The women that will govern the world will probably decree that all the women shall be genetically modified in order to naturally get more muscle than males.

So the average women that will choose not to participate to any sport,  will probably look like this:

The fitness category will look like this:

The rich girls who blandly join the gym:

Female bodybuilders will look like this:

For a bit, muscular girls and average girls will coexist. Enhanced muscular girls will 'naturally' secrete more testosterone than the average male, and will make normal girls go nuts for them, outclassing males.

Monday, August 11, 2014

The woman of the future

The woman of the future shall be powerful, rich, physically dominant.

The shift we're witnessing slowly shows how women are progressively taking over many many different fields. They're achieving incredible results -sometimes better results than their masculine counterparts- in fields that originally were male-only.

I hope the future woman will pretend to be obeyed, to lead the relationship, to be physically superior to the men.

This will be the average young girl:

They'll be more competitive than men in those which were the men's fields. This will hopefully leads to women to obtain power in any other relationship. Women's superiority will be considered normal.

They'll pretend to be worshipped, the wife will command.

The men will be continuously mocked, jeered by women superiority. Initially men will fight against this, but they'll finally realise how beautiful is to worship the reborn women. The role of the woman is to ascend to power. The role of the men is to simplify, encourage, empower, support and motivate women in this ascending path.

All the most important jobs will be covered by women, they'll be progressively more and more rich than men, who will have the role to worship the women, empower them. The men will stay behind the curtain, powerlessly observing how women will progressively take over the main roles in finance, politics, society. And men will like it. The dominant woman will be the natural woman.